Contribuye al normal funcionamiento de la glándula tiroides
Thyro Booster es un complejo multivitamínico y mineral 100% natural desarrollado especialmente para Be Essential®, cuya formulación contribuye al normal funcionamiento de la glándula tiroides, responsable de la producción de las hormonas tiroideas que son indispensables para el correcto funcionamiento de nuestro organismo.
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Thyro Booster is a 100% natural multivitamin and mineral complex developed especially for Be Essential® , whose formulation contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, responsible for the production of thyroid hormones that are essential for the proper functioning of our body.
Thyro Booster contains Myo Inositol - an organic compound member of the B vitamins -, L-Tyrosine and Iodine extracted from a 100% vegetable source, among other components, in a dosage and combination that make it one of the most effective and safe supplements of the entire market. Thyro Booster manages to stimulate the hypothalamus-pituitary, responsible for controlling the endocrine system, while increasing the production of thyroid hormones thanks to its Iodine content and the action of L-Tyrosine, which is the basis for the production of Thyroglobulin protein.
The continued intake of Thyro Booster can help you overcome phases of subclinical hypothyroidism - a deficiency that affects almost 10% of the population -, correcting deficiencies in the production of thyroid hormones and improving vital functions of our metabolism such as heart rate. , the balance of body temperature or the control of our weight.
Thyro Booster is a 100% natural supplement, suitable for vegan diets and totally free of exogenous hormonal contributions.
How long can I take Thyro Booster ?
In principle, there is no time limit for supplementation with Thyro Booster , since none of its compounds creates tolerance or dependence, nor does it cancel out the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. However, to encourage the body to have different stimuli and so that you can assess its benefits on your body, we recommend continuous intake for a maximum period of 6 months, with a break of 1-2 months until the next intake.
What improvements can I experience after starting to take Thyro Booster ?
The effect of Thyro Booster on thyroid function is not immediate, so as soon as you start taking it you will not notice any specific effect. However, after continued use for approximately a couple of weeks, you will experience how your energy levels improve, you can think more clearly and your mood improves.
The continued use of Thyro Booster helps your skin to be better hydrated, your intestinal transit to improve, your hair to have better cosmetic characteristics and, perhaps, even your exercise and diet begin to bear better results.
If you have any questions regarding this supplement, remember that you should always consult with your personal doctor or specialist.
Ingredientes: Inositol, envoltura cápsula(hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa), L-Tirosina, N-Acetil-Cisteína, CoenzimaQ10, Vitamina C (Ácido L-Ascórbico), Alga Kelp en polvo (Ascophyllum nodosum (L) Le Jolis, talo), Mono-L-metionina-sulfato de zinc, agente de carga (celulosa cristalina), emulgente (estearato de magnesio), L-seleniometionina, antiaglomerante (Dióxido de Silicio), extracto seco de pimienta negra (Piper nigrum L, fruto), Vitamina A (Acetato de retinilo), Vitamina B6 (chorhidrato de piridoxina), ácido fólico (Ácidopteroilmonoglutamico), Vitamina B12 (Metilcobalamina).
Inositol | 600mg | |
L-Tirosina | 300mg | |
N-Acetil-L-Cisteína | 200mg | |
Coenzima Q10 | 100mg | |
Vitamina C | 100mg | 125% |
Alga Kelp en polvo Yodo | 100mg 81.5µg | 54% |
Zinc (como Mono-L-Metionina sulfato de zinc) | 12mg | 120% |
Vitamina B6 | 2mg | 142.8% |
Vitamina A | 375µg RE | 46.8% |
Ácido fólico (como ácido pteroilmonoglutámico) | 300µg | 150% |
Selenio (como L-Seleniometionina) | 83µg | 151% |
Vitamina B12 (como Metilcobalamina) | 2.5µg | 100% |
Pimienta negra ext. seco 95% piperina | 5mg 4.75mg | |
*VRN. Valor de Referencia de Nutrientes |
El yodo contribuye a la producción normal de hormonas tiroideas y a la función tiroidea normal. La vitamina B6 ayuda a regular la actividad hormonal.
Presentación: 90 cápsulas.
Dosis diaria recomendada: 3 cápsulas, 30 tomas por envase.
Modo de empleo: Tomar 3 cápsulas al día, preferentemente con la comida.
Advertencias: Producto para uso en adultos. Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustitutos de una dieta variada y equilibrada ni de un modo de vida sano. No superar la dosis diaria expresamente recomendada. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños más pequeños. Este producto no está diseñado para diagnosticar, tratar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad. Una dieta variada y equilibrada y un estilo de vida saludable son importantes. Puede contener trazas de cereales que contienen gluten, leche, huevo, soja y pescado. Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco.