Combate y previene los síntomas del SOP
Ovarian Recovery es un complemento alimenticio a base de Myoinositol, extractos de plantas, minerales y vitamina B6 desarrollado especialmente para Be Essential®. La acción conjunta de estos ingredientes dosificados en la proporción adecuada, junto con una dieta equilibrada y un estilo de vida activo, te ayudarán a regular la actividad hormonal, combatiendo de manera efectiva tanto las alteraciones hormonales como los síntomas habituales asociados al Síndrome del Ovario Poliquístico o SOP.
Ovarian Recovery is a food supplement based on Myoinositol, plant extracts, minerals and vitamin B6 developed especially for Be Essential® . The joint action of these ingredients dosed in the appropriate proportion, together with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, will help you regulate hormonal activity, effectively combating both hormonal alterations and the usual symptoms associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. or PCOS .
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS produces a series of hormonal alterations that affect the frequency of release of the hypothalamic hormone GnRH , generate an alteration in insulin metabolism and produce an excess of androgens in the blood, causing a series of symptoms such as irregular menstruation, hirsutism or excess hair, acne, hair loss, accumulation of body fat in the abdominal area of the body, or even an increased risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease compared to women who do not suffer from PCOS . The continued intake of Ovarian Recovery helps balance the release of the GnRH hormone, while reducing the amount of insulin in the blood and normalizing the sensitivity to it in the cells of the theca interna in the ovary, reducing the symptoms associated with PCOS and preventing the appearance of new symptoms.
To try to reestablish the release of GnRH in the appropriate pulses by the hypothalamus we have included a balanced dose of GABA and vitamin B6 . To normalize the increased insulin sensitivity of the theca interna cells we have used Myoinositol . In order to reduce the increased amounts of insulin in the blood and improve resistance to it in the liver, muscle and adipose tissue, we have included a mixture of ingredients such as Gymnema extract, Bitter Melon extract and Milk Thistle extract standardized for their powerful active ingredient Silymarin .
To help improve the elimination of excess estrone by the liver, we have incorporated Cabbage extract , rich in sulforophane . And last but not least, to promote ovulation we have used an exclusive combination of Myo-inositol, Zinc and Magnesium .
Ovarian Recovery comes in two delicious flavors of Red Fruits and Mango-Peach and is suitable for vegan diets.
Ingredientes: Myo-Inositol, Aromas, Extracto seco de melón amargo (Momordica charantia L., fruto, 10% saponinas), Extracto seco de col (Brassica oleracea L., hierba, 0.5% sulforafano), Sales magnésicas de ácido cítrico (citrato de magnesio), Extracto seco de gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre (Retz) R.Br., hojas, 75% ácido gimnémico), Extracto seco de cardo mariano (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn., semillas, 80% silimarina), Acidulante (ácido cítrico), Colorante (Rojo de remolacha), Extracto seco de sauzgatillo (Vitex agnus-castus L., fruto, 0.5% vitexina), Ácido gamma-aminobutírico (GABA), Mono-L-metionina-sulfato de zinc, Edulcorantes (sucralosa, glucósidos de esteviol procedentes de Estevia), Vitamina B6 (Clorhidrato de piridoxina).
Myo-Inositol | 4000mg | |
Ext. seco de melón amargo Saponinas |
500mg 50mg |
Ext. seco de col Sulforafano |
500mg 2.5mg |
Magnesio (como citrato de magnesio) | 300mg | 15% |
Ext. seco de gymnema Ácido gymnémico |
300mg 225mg |
Ext. seco de cardo mariano Silimarina |
250mg 200mg |
Ext. seco de sauzgatillo Vitexina |
100mg 0.5mg |
Ácido gamma-aminobutírico (GABA) | 100mg | |
Zinc (como Mono-L-Metionina sulfato de zinc) | 15mg | 150% |
Vitamina B6 | 5mg | 357% |
*VRN. Valor de Referencia de Nutrientes |
Vitex agnus-castus ayuda a mantener un bienestar fisiológico durante el ciclo menstrual. La vitamina B6 ayuda a regular la actividad hormonal.
Presentación: polvo en envase de 213g.
Dosis diaria recomendada: 7.1 gramos.
Modo de empleo: Mezclar el contenido de 2 cacitos (7.1g) de producto en un vaso de agua (250ml), y tomarlo a cualquier hora, preferiblemente por la mañana.
Advertencias: Producto para uso en adultos. Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustitutos de una dieta variada y equilibrada ni de un modo de vida sano. No superar la dosis diaria expresamente recomendada. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños más pequeños. Una dieta variada y equilibrada y un estilo de vida saludable son importantes. Puede contener trazas de cereales que contienen gluten, leche, soja, huevo, pescado, frutos de cáscara, cacahuete y sésamo. Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco.