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DREAM BIG Single-dose [30g]

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Caseína Micelar con magnesio, zinc y vitamina b6
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Some dream of growing, OTHERS GROW WHILE THEY DREAM...

DREAM BIG by BIG ® is a micellar casein of the highest quality, made from Solmiko ® from Glanbia Nutritionals ®.

It is enriched with ZMA ® 2000E , which is the genuine and original patented formula from the American INTER HEALTH laboratories.

This mixture of Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin B6 will help enhance and deepen your rest to optimize your muscle growth and regeneration.

Introducing DREAM BIG by BIG ® in a delicious salted caramel peanut butter flavor.

An incredible flavor achieved thanks to the double sweetening of Splenda ® and Stevia ® that contains 0 kcal.

Sample single dose.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Juan Antonio Jiménez Rueda
Un poco caro para la dosis que viene

Me parece un poco caro para la cantidad que viene.

Virginia P.
Está bien pero el sabor

Está bien pero el sabor es muy suave

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