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Mc MANI [500g]

Free Gift
Mantequilla de cacahuete cremosa
Valor energético 2523Kj/609kcal Grasas 49g de las cuales saturadas 4.4g Hidratos de carbono 11g de los cuales azúcares 5.7g Proteínas 28g Fibra alimentaria 7.8g Sal 0.01g


La crema de cacahuete favorita de Max Protein® en un cómodo formato de sirope con sistema antigoteo. Disponible en 2 intensidades de sabor, rico en proteínas y sin azucares añadidos.


MAX PROTEIN® PRESENTS…. their new definitive peanut butter, Mc Mani.

Mc Mani, is what you were waiting for…….. a pure peanut butter extracted from the first press, which contains all the essential nutrients for our body.
Also McMani:
*Does not contain filler additives
* It is free of palm oil
*It is very high in protein
*It is suitable for vegans
*Does not contain added sugars
*It is gluten free
And its creamy texture will make each shot a unique moment.
In addition, McMani is the only one on the market with a dosing container with a non-return cap:
*Max easy
*Max clean
*Max practice
Nourish and decorate your recipes in a simple way.
And if that were not enough, Mc Mani is presented in 2 different formats. 500 and 1000 grams
And with two intensities of flavor, Mild and toasted..
What are you waiting for?
Choose your format and start enjoying MAX more than ever

Valor energético 2523Kj/609kcal
Grasas 49g
de las cuales saturadas 4.4g
Hidratos de carbono 11g
de los cuales azúcares 5.7g
Proteínas 28g
Fibra alimentaria 7.8g
Sal 0.01g

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Cristina M.
Como siempre riquísima

Como siempre riquísima

Emil e.
Genial todo!!

Genial todo!!

Carmen R.
Lo mejor el formato

El hecho de poder servirte la crema con ese dosificados es genial para no desperdiciar y echarte la dosis justa

Pedro M.
Muy buena y gran textura

Muy buena y gran textura

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