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Incrementa la Testosterona y el Rendimiento Deportivo
Ácido D-Aspártico 500mg Niacina 54mg NE Inositol 50mg Ácido pantoténico 16,65mg Vitamina B6 4,92mg Vitamina B2 4,8mg Vitamina B1 3,31mg Biotina 450µg Ácido fólico 400 μg Vitamina B12 3µg


D-Aspartic Acid + Vitamin B es un complejo aminoácido + multivitamínico exclusivo de Big® destinado a mejorar la práctica deportiva, aumentando el nivel de testosterona de manera natural y mejorando el rendimiento en general.


The BIG® PHARMA GRADE line are nutritional supplements prepared under the highest pharmaceutical standards.

Pharmaceutical Grade is synonymous with being the purest and best treated food supplements that the consumer can find on the market.


D-aspartic acid + B complex increases testosterone and increases muscle mass and sports performance. It is an essential and essential substance in the production of compounds related to libido and tissue growth, with special relevance in the production of testosterone.

D-aspartic acid + B complex has the ability to stimulate the production of signaling molecules, which in turn increase the activity of hormone production in the testicles and pituitary gland. Testosterone is the most important hormone in the hypertrophy process, and it radically increases and accelerates protein synthesis, the process that transforms protein molecules into muscle fiber.

By significantly increasing testosterone production, you will build muscle mass faster. If our natural hormonal production is improved, it will positively affect an infinite number of aspects, both related to our behavior, such as improving our mood and sense of well-being, improving intimate relationships and sexual life, even on the physical level, increasing our physical capacity, both when it comes to sports performance and for the recovery phase.

Furthermore, by complementing D-apartic acid with a complex of type B vitamins, we have managed to make this product a very complete supplement that will provide us with a whole series of benefits:

- Increase in strength and muscle mass
- Promotes fat loss
- It enhances sleep quality
- Increased libido.
- Helps improve Fertility.
- Improves skin health.
- Improves mood.
- Higher energy level
- Improves the immune system.

At PHARMA GRADE by BIG® , we have sought excellence and quality of the product, taking care of all the details for the best possible result. For this reason, BIG® D-Aspartic acid + B Complex capsules are 100% vegetable, suitable for vegans, vegetarians and without dyes, so they do not leave residues in our body and their low humidity allows optimal conservation of the product. .

PHARMA GRADE by BIG® is the best option for professional performance.

Cantidad dosis diaria recomendada  1 cáps
Ácido D-Aspártico 500mg
Niacina 54mg NE
Inositol 50mg
Ácido pantoténico 16,65mg
Vitamina B6 4,92mg
Vitamina B2 4,8mg
Vitamina B1 3,31mg
Biotina 450µg
Ácido fólico 400 μg
Vitamina B12 3µg

Ingredientes: Ácido D-Aspártico, Cápsula: Agente de recubrimiento (hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa), Nicotinamida (Niacina), Bitartrato de colina, Inositol, Maltodextrina, D-pantotenato cálcico (Ácido pantoténico), Antiaglomerante (Estearato de magnesio), Clorhidrato de piridoxina (Vitamina B6), Riboflavina (Vitamina B2), Clorhidrato de Tiamina (Vitamina B1), Antiaglomerante (Dióxido de silicio), D-Biotina (Biotina), Ácido pteroilmonoglutámico (Ácido fólico), Cianocobalamina (Vitamina B12).

Modo de uso: Tomar 1 cápsula/día

Alérgenos: Puede contener trazas de cereals que contienen gluten, leche, huevos, soja, sulfitos, pescado y crustáceos

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