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LIPO CUT [90caps]

Free Gift
Quemador profesional con Sinetrol®
Sinetrol X PUR 900mg Del cual:   Extracto de naranja (Citrus aurantium var. dulcis) 225mg Extracto de pomelo (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck 225mg Extracto de naranja roja (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) 135mg Semillas de guaraná (Paullinia cupana Kunth) 90mg Extracto seco de mango africano (Irvingia gabonensis) 300mg Cafeína anhidra 240mg Extracto de té verde (Camellia sinensis L.) 150mg Extracto de café verde (Coffea arabica L.) 150mg Niacina 10mg NE (62,5%*) Bioperine® Extracto seco de pimienta negra (Piper nigrum L.) 9mg


LIPO CUT es un producto termogénico exclusivo de Big® elaborado principalmente con la materia prima Sinetrol®, con una alta concentración de principios activos con efectos lipolíticos y termogénicos, a los que se ha añadido una combinación exclusiva de extractos vegetales capaces de promover el rápido metabolismo de las grasas, contribuyendo a la eliminación de las mismas y a la reducción del peso corporal.


LIPO CUT is our new thermogenic made mainly with the prestigious raw material SINETROL ®.

SINETROL® is a patented mixture based on substances extracted from sources of citrus fruits , such as orange, grapefruit or lemon.

Among its components there is a high concentration of polyphenols that can contribute to promoting the loss of body fat (lipolytic effect) .

Among its active ingredients are Naringin and Hesperidin.

To enhance the formula , caffeine from guarana is included , a magnificent plant that combats anxiety, joint pain, and fluid retention, while promoting weight loss and a high improvement in the physical performance of athletes.

It also inhibits the enzyme PDE-4, a protein that increases the speed of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, (regulator of some of the physiological processes of the human body). Therefore, it breaks down triglycerides that are stored in fat cells and releases glycerol (digestive lipid degrader) and free fatty acids.

Sinetrol Benefits:

According to the studies carried out, which first prove the effectiveness of Sinetrol, the following results can be experienced:

• Reduction in body weight

• Decrease in fat percentage

• Increased metabolism

• Decrease in hip and waist circumference

• Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect

• Enhances the action of nutritional and sports programs for weight control


LIPO CUT reinforces the incredible effects of SINETROL® in its formula with extracts of:

AFRICAN MANGO : Which, thanks to its natural effect, increases metabolism and consequently promotes weight loss through the destruction of fatty tissue.

GREEN TEA : It has thermogenic properties and, as a result of this, promotes the oxidation of fats. This oxidation is due to the reduction it causes, therefore, of carbohydrates.

GREEN COFFEE : Thanks to chlorogenic acid, which is the most important to promote weight loss. Inhibits the action of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase. This enzyme is responsible for releasing glucose into the bloodstream. It makes it from glycogen stored in the liver and muscles. The body burns its fats to obtain energy.

NIACIN : Improves levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL or "bad") and because of that reduces levels of fats in the blood, also called triglycerides.

BIOPERINE ® is a patented compound containing a minimum of 95% piperine.

Piperine is an alkaloid extract that is mainly extracted from black pepper (Piper Nigrum L.).

The main characteristic of bioperine is its ability to stimulate thermogenesis. Increases energy balance at rest.

It is therefore very useful for maintaining a negative energy balance.

It is increasingly used in the treatment and prevention of obesity.

LIPO CUT will definitely be your greatest ally for weight loss from now on.

Ingredientes3 cápsulas
Sinetrol X PUR900mg
Del cual: 
Extracto de naranja (Citrus aurantium var. dulcis)225mg
Extracto de pomelo (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck225mg
Extracto de naranja roja (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck)135mg
Semillas de guaraná (Paullinia cupana Kunth)90mg
Extracto seco de mango africano (Irvingia gabonensis)300mg
Cafeína anhidra240mg
Extracto de té verde (Camellia sinensis L.)150mg
Extracto de café verde (Coffea arabica L.)150mg
Niacina10mg NE (62,5%*)
Bioperine® Extracto seco de pimienta negra (Piper nigrum L.)9mg

*VRN: Valor de Referencia de Nutrientes

Ingredientes: Sinetrol® Xpur C [Extracto seco de pomelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck, Citrus paradisi Macfad, fruto), Hesperidina (de Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), Extracto seco de guaraná (Paullinia cupanaKunth), Zumo de naranja concentrado (Citrus sinensis(L.) Osbeck)], Agente de carga (celulosamicrocristalina), Cápsula (Agente de recubrimiento (Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa)), Extracto de Mango africano (Irvingia gabonensis, semillas, 40% polifenoles), Cafeína anhidra, Extracto de té verde (CamelliasinensisL. Kuntze, hojas), Extracto de café verde (Coffea arabicaL., semillas), Emulgente (Estearato de magnesio), Niacina (Ácido nicotínico), Bioperine® (Extracto seco de pimienta negra (Piper nigrumL, 95%Piperina)).

Advertencias: Producto para uso en adultos. Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustitutos de una dieta variada y equilibrada ni de un modo de vida sano. Este producto no está diseñado para diagnosticar, tratar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad. No superar la dosis diaria expresamente recomendada. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños más pequeños. Una dieta variada y equilibrada y un estilo de vida saludable son importantes. Colorante E122 puede tener efectos negativos sobre la actividad y atención de los niños. Puede contener trazas de leche, soja, huevo, pescado y cereales que contienen gluten. Conservar en lugar fresco y seco.

Modo de empleo: Tomar 3 cápsulas al día repartidas en varias tomas. No tomar en las 4 horas previas a ir a dormir.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Pablo Coto De Salas

Eficaz si se usa con un correcto déficit calórico y ejercicio cardiovascular

Adriana Frances

Ya es el segundo bote que compro y me encanta! Los resultados me están gustando, noto resistencia y mayor objetivo de pérdida de grasa

Juan Huescar
Buen producto

Cumple las expectativas para reducir la retención de líquidos sobre todo. Precio calidad buenisimo

Carlos R.
Muy bueno para ser permitido

Primera semana y parece que funciona, no es de los más potentes que he tomado pero si se siente.

Yenny Duque


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